Monday, April 19, 2010

I will be MIA for a week or two!!

Just a note to let you all know that I won't be doing much scrapping/blogging this week.  I had the little ones last week for 3 days and then my daughter's baby shower was all day Saturday.  So the only scrapping I got to do was on Sunday, and the only layouts I did were for my next two Friday Challenges over at Practical Scrappers.   My SIL and her husband are coming down from OK this week so I won't be able to scrap this next weekend either.  But I can't wait for them to get here.  They are sooo much fun!!  We're going to do a lot of visiting, touring and eating, I'm not for sure in what order!!! lol  So unfortunately my scrapbooking is being put on the back burner.  :o(   I really, really wanted to squeeze in some of the fantastic challenges, and beautiful sketches, but I guess I'll have to play another time!! 
Hugs to all!!
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Precious Memories Scrapbooking & More said...

Have fun & Enjoy!

Sandi Clarkson said...

Sounds like a fun plan. Sometimes you got to have some real life .. so you can scrap it later! But I'll miss ya!

Audrey Frelx said...

Have fun!!! Enjoy!!! I'll miss you and will be here waiting for return, but you deserve a ftn-time break!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you'll be creating great memories to scrap once you have time again. Have fun!

Barb Craft said...

Fern... take the well deserved break!! Coming off the week I just did, I know there are just times you need to step away for a bit... Have a fabulous time with your family!! We will all catch up with you when you return!!
Barb :)

shari said...

Enjoy yourself and enjoy their visit. The scrapbooking will be there waiting for you. Shari (cricutrookie)

Joan Ervin said...

I am sooo glad you are going to have some fun, Fern...nothing is better that to be with friends and family you actually want to be with!!! You would be sooo proud of me...I acutally finished 3 more pages....WOOT!!!! You know they don't look anything like yours but they are done and I'm using stuff I have trips to Hobby Lobby yet...LOL!!!! Have a great week, gf!!!

Melissa said...

Sounds like some wonderful reasons to be MIA! Enjoy! We'll be right here waiting for your return! :-)

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Have fun! I'll miss seeing your stunning creations!
Kim xXx

flowerdisco said...

have lots of fun my dear!

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