Hello everyone, hope you are having a wonderful weekend.. Our son and dil and grand babies went on vacation and our dd and sil are out at the lake with his side of the family, so it's pretty quiet around here. So I get to do a little scrapping. This is a page I did of Colten 9 months, and Savannah 4 years. This was taken a couple of weeks ago when I was babysitting them.. Colten can't walk on his own, yet, but boy when he pulls up to one of these little walkers, man can he fly. And then you put his big sister with him, and they're just like the energizer bunny, they keep going, and going, and going, and going... My pictures are a little fuzzy, but they wouldn't stand still long enough for me to take the picture and they kept trying to run over poor grandma...lol! They had a blast as you can tell. Anyway, here's the page I made, I hope you like it... (and btw now I can't get that Gorge Jones song out of my head ~ and the race is on.......)
SU Only Orange CS
SU Old Olive CS
SU Basic Black CS
K&Company Happy Trails West Coast DP
Wooden Turtle ~ Hobby Lobby
Thickers ~ Jewelry Box Black
Hambly Screen Print ~ Vintage patchwork
BoBunny Cardstock Stickers ~ Our Family
Thanks so much for dropping in and come back anytime...
Have a wonderful day!!
Hugs :o)

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