Friday, June 11, 2010

It's so hard to see our parents age..

Hi everyone!  I'm typing this post with a very heavy heart and tears in my eyes...  Some of you know that my dad has been in the hospital, he's been in there since last Sunday.  He has had trouble with his legs giving out on him and he had gone down to the barn and did not come back, so my mom went to look for him and found that he had fallen between the house and the barn.  She doesn't know how long he was there and neither does he, but Sunday was a very hot day.  When she did get to him it took 45 minutes for him to get his bearings and to get his legs back under him...  After she finally won the argument she called an ambulance and they took him to the hospital.  He was very dehydrated when they got him there, but everything else seemed okay...  At least no broken bones!!  Monday went fine, and then when he woke up Tuesday it was like a totally different person laying there.  When I called my mom she told me "I have lost the man I married 60 years ago..  The man laying there in the hospital bed is not your Dad."  They did a MRI and have drawn viles and viles of blood, but everything is coming back fine.  We all feel like he has Alzheimer's, but the doctor has not said that yet.  The doctor did tell mom yesterday that he would not let dad go back home the way he is right now.  His doctor was on ER duty last night and while everyone was gone he was going to talk to dad and explain things to him.  I just don't know what this will do to him... He is a very active farmer who has to be doing something outdoors all of his life.  I'm afraid if he has to go into a nursing home it will totally crush him...   My sister and 2 brothers are there so I did not go back this last week.  I have been talking with mom every day, and my sister some, too.  We are 10 hours away, but my husband and I will be going back either later today or early tomorrow..  I just have to let my dad know how much I love him and I really need him to understand what I'm saying...  I was okay up until now, and I guess seeing this in print just makes it so very real..   Please keep my dad and mom in your prayers...
Thanks for stopping by!
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Scossie Jane said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Fern at this very difficult time - God Bless you and yours dear friend xx

Darien said...

Oh No, Fern, Im so sorry. I will be Keeping your Dad and all of you in my prayers.
A big hug, and always hoping for the best.

Random Acts of Krafting said...

I am saying prayers for him Fern. Big hugs to you as well.

coldwaters2 said...

Oh Fern I am so sorry to hear this about your Dad I am really praying that it is nothing too serious and that he will return home to you all as he was. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Big Hugs
Lorraine x

TeenaBugg38 said...

((((((((Fern))))))))) Sweety I wish I could give you a real hug right now rahter than this silly typed one!!! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Luv ya girl....keep us posted!!

Dawnll said...

Sending you hugz and keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers sweetie!
I have to say watching my parents age was horrible for me, especially since both have or had dementia/Alzheimer's.
Stay strong for both your parents, they will need your support.

Patti J said...

Hi Fern. I am so sorry to hear your news. You will certainly be in my prayers along with your mom and dad. Please keep us posted, and travel safely. Hugs...

flowerdisco said...

My sweet and your family have been in my prayers since I knew about it and I will continue to pray for his well being. I am also praying for strength for you and your family to deal with whatever must to be dealt with.
A big hug my dear friend!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Oh my sweet friend, there is noting more scary than hearing that news. My thoughts and prayers are certainly with you, your daddy, and family. You know we're going through this with my Granny right now too! Please know that I'm thinking and praying for you! Don't worry about your dt stuff for us until you are ready....
Kim xXx

shari said...

Fern, I am so sorry your dad is going thru this, I'm praying you and your family have the strength to deal with whatever happens. My dad just found out his cancer is back and has to have surgery Thurs. He's 76, so I kind of know what your going thru. Hugs, shari (cricutrookie)

Stacy said...

So so sorry to hear about your dad. My thoughts and my prayers are with you and your family.
Hope all is ok with your dad

Audrey Frelx said...

Oh, Fern, I am so very sorry to sit here and read this about your dad. It is so hard to find comforting words to say at a time like this because the pain you're feeling is unreachable. I will pray for your dad, you and your family. God is good and will always answer prayers in the only possible way.

Not only my prayers, but my thoughts are extended across the miles to you my friend!

Barb Craft said...

Fern... my heart goes out to you. My dad has always been the backbone of our family and I cant imagine what I will be feeling when his health starts to deteriorate.... I will keep your family in my prayers and I will also pray for safe travel for you and your husband.
Barb :)

Melissa said...

Sending up prayers for your Dad and your entire family! Take care of yourself.

Precious Memories Scrapbooking & More said...

hope everything is well with your dad, thoughts are with you and your family. hopeFULLY it's nothing serious. (((((HUGS))))

Precious Memories Scrapbooking & More said...

I don't know why that typed hopefully like that,

Crystal said...

Fern I am so sorry, I will say many prayers for your mom and dad...and for you also sweetie. I will be thinking of you on your visit. Big Huge Hugs!!

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you and your family for a diagnosis so you can move forward.

sarahw said...

Fern, I am so sorry this is happening to your family. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Sarah

scrappinlil said...

Fern, I am so sorry to hear that this is happening to you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you..HUGS, Aaron!

Angela said...

I am so sorry to hear your sad news! I hope and pray your dad will be back on his feet soon! sending cyber {{hugs}} your way! xxx
and to your mum as well!

Sandi Clarkson said...

Fern I am so sorry to hear this. As you know I've been thru this with my mom this year and it is so hard. Lost my daddy 6 years ago and I loved him so much. Have a safe trip. I know it was important to me to see my mom earlier this year and say all the things I needed to say .. in her case .. one last time. But I think we expect our daddy's to be strong forever .. Hugs my friend

Nanne said...

Oh Fern.. I am truly so sorry to hear about your dad..My heart breaks for you, it really does.. I will keep your family in my prayers and hope that everything goes well..
Do have a safe trip
hugs and well wishes

Anonymous said...

Dear Fern, I am so sorry to hear this about your dad , I can imagine how hard and difficult is this situation for you and your family, I will pray for all of you my friend.
Big hugs to you.

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

Fern, my prayers are with, your dad and family. Please trust God for comfort, strength and peace in these difficult times. Keep us posted. Luv you.

Beth aka BR-T said...

Oh Fern I have a heavy heart right along with you, you are right watching our parents grow old is too surreal as we know what their strenght once was. Beth

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